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Research Institute for Environmental Economics and Management(RIEEM)

This institute conducts empirical studies that examine firms' environmental voluntary actions as well as public policies for energy conservation, renewable energy and emission trading, providing evidence-based policy recommendations. We attempt to develop new areas of environmental research by integrating interdisciplinary perspectives from economics, business administration, political science, and engineering. Research results will be reported mainly by publishing them in leading academic journals and presenting them at academic conferences. We will collaborate with research institutes in the U.S. and Europe and conduct comparative studies on environmental policies across countries, with an aim to propose policy measures that are not only effective but also acceptable to stakeholders. We will also examine developing countries where carbon dioxide emissions are expected to increase, in collaboration with research institutes in those countries. We hope that this institute will eventually serve as a research hub in the Asia-Pacific Region for environmental economics and management, and policy studies.


A research paper from Aline Mortha (PhD student) and Prof. Arimura on the substitutability between electricity and fossil fuel inside manufacturing plants has been published in Energy Economics
Newsletter No.27E has been uploaded.
Newsletter for the Symposium with the German Institute for Japanese Studies "Innovation for GX – dream or real?”
Newsletter No.26E has been uploaded.
Newsletter for the WIAS・RIEEM Seminar "Energy substitution, biased technical change and the economy-wide energy rebound: A comparison of the US and Japan“
On December 4th, we held on a symposium "Innovation for GX – dream or real?" jointly with the German Institute for Japanese Studies. Information
WIAS RIEEM seminar on November 20th (Wed) (Prof. Dr. Rainer Klump (Professor of Goethe University, Economic Policy and Quantitative Methods in Germany) " Energy substitution, biased technical change and the economy-wide energy rebound: A comparison of the US and Japan ")
Newsletter No.25E has been uploaded.
Newsletter for the “Symposium on Sustainable Finance: A Comparison of Japan and Germany”
Discussion paper No.2401E has been uploaded.
The monotonic path and its value loss when an optimal path is non-monotonic
RIEEM seminar on October 2nd (Wed) 17:00-18:40 “Symposium on Sustainable Finance: A Comparison of Japan and Germany” details
Prof. Toshi H. Arimura (RIEEM Director) and Prof. Takuro Miyamoto (RIEEM Fellow, Kanto Gakuin University) have received the President’s Awards at Arizona State University, as collaborators of Prof. Nicole Darnall.
Prof. Hibiki (RIEEM Fellow) and Prof. Arimura have co-authored an Open Access book titled “Introduction to Environmental Economics and Policy in Japan”.
WIAS/RIEEM seminar  On July 8th Shirley-Ann Behravesh (Assistant Professor of Global Sustainable Enterprise, Thunderbird School of Global Management in USA) delivered. a guest lecture titled "The Influence of Stakeholder Relations on Public Sector
Environmental Policies". Information
IASS/WIAS/RIEEM seminar On June 11th Professor Dr. Carsten Herbes (Nuertingen Geislingen University, Germany)delivered. A guest lecture titled "Regional energy and food production and consumption – insights from cases from Germany". Information
Prof. Chattopadhyay (RIEEM Fellow), Prof. Dendup (RIEEM Fellow) and Prof. Arimura have published a book chapter on environmental taxation in Asia.
A research paper from Prof. Miwa Nakai (RIEEM Fellow) on the comparison of consumer preferences for dynamic electricity tariffs between Germany and Japan has been published in Ecological Economics.
IASS/WIAS/RIEEM seminar  On April 19th Prof. Budy P Resosudarmo(Professor, Arndt-Corden Department of Economics, Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University)delivered. a guest lecture titled "Is There a Natural Resource Curse at the Local Level? Case Studies in Indonesia?". Information
A research paper from Aline Mortha (PhD student), Prof. Yajima (RIEEM Fellow) and Prof. Arimura on Feed-in-Tariff has been published in Japan & the World Economy
Discussion paper No.2304E has been uploaded.
Cooling the Tropics Sustainably: Evidence from a Choice Experiment on Energy Efficient Air Conditioners in the Philippines
RIEEM hosted an interdisciplinary workshop on energy and the environment in Paris.